• Tunisia Company Formation test

    One of the smallest countries in North Africa, Tunisia boasts of being one of the most diversified economies of the North African stretch. Additionally, it is also known for its high standard of living with a high level of education and social programs that keeps the population in check. The business-friendly government of Tunisia has formulated many policies in Tunisia, which has led to the growth of many sectors like tourism, manufacturing and agriculture. Primary exports in this territory include chemicals, phosphates, food, and textiles and petroleum products.

  • Procedure to Company Formation in Tunisia

    • Drafting of Memorandum and Articles of Association and other Incorporation documents
    • Filing of Incorporation documents (10 sets) with the Tunisia Tax Administration authorities
    • Filing of declaration certificate with the Tax Control desk and obtaining a Tax Identification card
    • Submission of all the required incorporation documents and application forms to the Court Clerk desk at the Tunisia Trade Register
    • Publication of details of the company is done in the official trade journal by the Government Printing Office
    • Filing the deeds in the Commercial Register
    • Registering for Social Security
    • Making Company Seal
  • Requirements for Company Registration in Tunisia

    Basic Requirements
    • Minimum 2 Shareholders
    • Minimum 1 Director
    • No minimum requirement for Share Capital, however as per Industry practices it is TND 1000
    • At least 1 Director and 1 Shareholder must be a Tunisian resident
    • Registered Office Address
    • Not mandatory requirement to appoint a Company Secretary; however, it is advisable to appoint one
    Documents Required
    • Printed Signature Form
    • 10 registered copies of the Articles of Association
    • Two copies of the Minutes of the nomination of the Shareholders
    • Four copies of Passport of Shareholders
    • Two copies of APII declaration
    • Four copies of Certificate of Ownership of the premises where the head office is located
    • Four copies of Bank receipts for the opening of a bank account
  • Our Services

    • Preparing relevant incorporation documents
    • Registration of Statutes with the authorities
    • Tax and Customs Stamp
    • Commercial Registration
    • Legal publication & others
    • Common Seal of the company
    • Assistance in bank account opening
    • Director’s Resolution for bank account opening
    • Provision of Registered Office Address
    • Provision of Company Secretary
  • Time Period

    It usually takes 11 days to set up a business in Tunisia.

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