
  • Overview

    Due diligence is used to investigate and evaluate a business opportunity. The term due diligence describes a general duty to exercise care in any transaction. As such, it spans investigation into all relevant aspects of the past, present, and predictable future of the business of a target company.

    At S. K. Patodia & associates we provide comprehensive due diligence support to operating companies and investors prior to acquisitions, joint ventures, mergers, key hires, and other transactions. We are professional, discreet, creative and exhaustive in our approach. we aim for maximum transparency and providing clients with a service that is concise and conclusive in its recommendations.

  • Our due diligence services include:

    • Preliminary investigation into the reputations, associations and activities of potential partners, investors or key hires;
    • Confirming or refuting allegations and rumors of criminal or questionable business practices;
    • Identifying, early on in the deal process, any undisclosed liabilities or questionable financial reporting;
    • Researching unusual offshore structures and unexplained vehicles associated with potential merger, acquisition, or joint venture targets;

    Clarifying the nature of relationships between target companies and various individuals, including government officials.

Here's some interesting facts about SK Patodia.

30+ Years of Experience
17 Partners
14 Cities in India
500+ Professionals working together

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