Companies Act Compliance services

  • Obtaining Common Seal of the Company

    A common seal is the official stamp or “signature” of an association. As a body corporate, an association is entitled to a common seal, and the Act requires an association’s rules to provide for the “custody and use of a common seal”. An incorporated association must have a common seal, which is the official stamp of the association.

    At SKP we take care of the procedure regarding obtaining the common seal that is required to be met by company under companies’ law.

  • Secretarial Services

    In every organization, from small offices to large multinational companies, there is one group of people that can be seen as a vital — those that provide secretarial services. The company secretarial services provided by the team of experts of S. K. Patodia & Associates include-

    • Alterations, modifications and changes with respect to the names of companies, objects, share capital, situation of registered office, amendments and alterations in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
    • Allotment, consolidation/sub-division of shares, share transfer and transmission, conversion of shares into stocks or warrants, issue of shares certificates, dematerialization of shares, forfeiture of shares etc.
    • Maintaining & updating the registers prescribed.
    • Preparation & updating of the minutes of Board Meeting, Annual General Meeting, Extra-ordinary General Meeting. Filing annual balance sheet, profit & loss account, return & compliance.
    • Filing annual balance sheet, profit & loss account, return & compliance.
    • Filing of the specific event-based forms with ROC (Form 2, 5, 8, 18, 32, etc.)
  • Book keeping services

    Every organisation has to keep a record of Transactions including purchases, sales, receipts and payments by an individual or organization. Bookkeeping is usually recording of day to day financial transactions of an organisation.

    We help you maintain accurate and regular financial records which in turn allow you to monitor the success or failure of your business. Regularly monitoring your business activities will help you operate more efficiently, control your cash flow, and increase your profitability.

  • Preparation Of Annual Report

    Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company’s activities and financial performance.

    Our Financial Statements Preparation (FSP) team can reduce the workload for your finance department. We produce quality financial statements for both public and private companies, funds and other organisations obliged to report to their members.

  • Statutory Auditing Services

    Every company registered / established under the Companies Act, 1956 in India has to get its accounts audited every year.It is directed to verify whether the company is adhering to all the compliance procedures applicable. Statutory audit report serves as a significant tool of measure to all the stakeholders / general public in assessing the viability of the company in future with respect to their dealings.We have with us extensive experience in offering services for Statutory Audit. The quality audit services performed are done by group of professionals who are experts in the field and are the best to perform the services.

Here's some interesting facts about SK Patodia.

30+ Years of Experience
17 Partners
14 Cities in India
500+ Professionals working together

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